埃克森美孚2024暑期实习生校园招聘 企业介绍
埃克森美孚是全球知名的上市国际能源公司,采用先进技术和创新帮助满足全球不断增长的能源需求。埃克森美孚拥有行业领先的资源储量,是全球主要的炼油商和石油产品销售商,其化工公司在全球名列前茅。 埃克森美孚见证了世界油气行业的发展,其历史可追溯到约翰·洛克菲勒1882年创建的标准石油公司,至今已跨越了近140年的历程。 埃克森美孚拥有6.2000多名员工,严谨的投资方针、致力于开发行业领先技术、追求完善的运营管理使之在全球位居行业领先地位。 埃克森美孚是全球知名的国际能源石化上市公司,致力于为改善生活质量和满足社会不断变化的需求创建解决方案。公司的主要业务-上游、产品方案和低碳方案业务提供现代生活所需的产品,包括能源、化工、润滑油和低排放技术。埃克森美孚拥有行业领先的资源储量,是全球主要的一体化燃料、润滑油和化工公司。
招聘岗位: Chemical Internship Location: Shanghai, SH, CN Company: ExxonMobil Program Overview ExxonMobil Chemical Internship Program
Program Overview As part of the ExxonMobil internship program, students will be assigned to perform a specific project or duties in one of the following main business areas and have the opportunity to make a valuable contribution to the team:
Sales (Shanghai/Guangzhou/Chengdu) Marketing (Shanghai/Guangzhou) During the program, students will have the opportunities to gain new experiences while working with their colleagues. With the support of their supervisors, feedback will be given during performance review in and after the completion of the internship program.
What We Offer • Valuable insights into the operation of a global petrochemical company • Real projects that have business impact • Exposure to regional and global team members • Team work with multiple functions to discover career interests • Opportunities to work with and present to senior management • Chance to advance into final interview for 2022 recruitment
Time Commitment We understand that each applicant’s time commitment to internship varies, therefor our internship program this year allows certain flexibility with the following time requirements: • Minimum of 20 work hours per week • Minimum of one month of internship • Earliest start: June 2024 • Internship can extend to as late as December 2024
The Candidates We Are Looking For
Applicants who would like to apply for our summer intern program shall be in their penultimate year of undergraduate or postgraduate study of a STEM major.
Our target candidates shall possess strong intellectual depth, teamwork spirit, coupled with analytical and interpersonal skills.
Applicants must be able to communicate effectively in both Mandarin and English.
Terms and Conditions
We offer competitive monthly allowance & commercial insurance. Accommodation will NOT be covered.
Job Segment: Engineer, Engineering