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发表于 2017-10-31 10:53:12 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
暨 第三届PRSC学术年会



8:00 A.M.-17:00 P.M.


本次的会前会是由中国新闻史学会公共关系分会(PRSC)、欧洲公关教育研究学会 (European Public Relations Education and Research Association)、PRAD及查尔斯大学(Charles University中欧历史最悠久的大学)的市场营销传播及公共关系系共同主办。


(1)洪君如(Chun-Ju Flora Hung-Baesecke),ICA公共关系分会副主席、中国新闻史学会公共关系分会(PRSC)海外秘书长,新西兰梅西大学
(2)陈昌凤, 中国新闻史学会会长,清华大学
(4)Øyvind Ihlen,欧洲公关教育研究学会现任会长,挪威奥斯陆大学
(5)Ralph Tench, 欧洲公关教育研究学会下届会长,英国里兹巴克特大学
(9) 陳怡如 (Yi-Ru Regina Chen),香港浸会大学
(10)Denisa Hejlová,捷克布拉格 查尔斯大学营销传播与公共关系系主任
(11) 赖正能,台湾世新大学公共关系与广告系



会前会议讨论的主题包括但不限于:在组织 - 公共环境中的(建设性)对话是什么? 东西方对话的过程、原则和条件是什么? 用不同声音发展对话的策略是什么? 为什么当一方不聆听和不积极参与决策过程的时候我们需要对话? 真实性在对话中的作用和影响是什么? 对话能否在一个分裂的社会中建立起信任? 社会媒体或传播技术是否破坏或促进对话和信任? 在对话转变成服务于其他组织目标的工具的组织环境中,真正的对话是否可以进行?

四、摘要提交: 作者可选择以中文或英文提交论文摘要
1. 英文摘要提交
如有问题,请联系Vincent Huang (vincenthuanglei@gmail.com)
本会前会将选出最佳英文论文并经双向匿名审查后刊载于(Public Relations Review)的会议论文专刊。

(2)投稿方式:发表者请投至 PRSC2015@163.com。有任何疑问,秦冬雪: +86-13893123840
·论文摘要:400 – 500 中字,每位作者50字基本信息
  ·摘要 (400 – 500 中字)

  ·按作者的顺序列明每位作者姓名、机构名、职称、研究方向 、代表作(50字基本信息)



摘要提交截止日期 : 2017年12月1日
录取通知  :2017年12月15日
论文全文提交截止日期 : 2018年4月30日
修订完整论文的提交截止日期: 2018年7月30日

八、报名费用 (含两个茶歇及开会当天的中饭)
教育學者:US $ 70
學生:US $ 35。


(1)以上报名费仅包括“ICA会前会: 3rd PRSC & 11th PRAD”会议当天两个茶歇和当天午饭。


The 3rd PRSC and the 11th PRAD Conference

Diverse Voices: Authentic Communication, Trust, Dialogue, and Society

Department of Marketing Communication and Public Relations
Charles University, Prague, Czech

8 am to 5 pm, 24 May, 2018


I. Division Affiliation:

Public Relations Division (Sponsor)
Global Communication and Social Change (co-sponsor)
Organizational Communication Division (co-sponsor)

II. Organizers:

this preconference is organized by the Public Relations Society of China, the European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA), The Public Relations and Advertising International Forum (PRAD), and the Department of Marketing Communication and Public Relations at Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic.  

    Chun-Ju Flora Hung-Baesecke, Massey University, New Zealand
    Changfeng Chen, President of CAHJC (Chinese Association of History of Journalism & Communication), Tsinghua Univeristy.
    Xianhong Chen, President of Public Relations Society of China (PRSC); Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
    Øyvind Ihlen, EUPRERA, University of Oslo, Norway
    Ralph Tench, EUPRERA, Leeds Beckett University, UK
    ZHANG Kun, Dean, School of Journalism and Communication at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
    HUANG, Yu, Associate Vice President, Hong Kong Baptist University
    LI, Xigen, Department Head, Department of Media and Communication, City University of Hong Kong
    Yi-Ru Regina Chen, Hong Kong Baptist University
    Denisa Hejlová, Department Head, Department of Marketing Communication and Public Relations, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
     Lai,ChingNeng,Department of Public Relations and Advertising,SHih Hsin University,TaiBei.

III. Theme: Diverse Voices: Authentic Communication, Trust, Dialogue, and Society

This is an era of distrust and diverse voices. Globalization, government and corporate corruption, and the rise of populism have resulted in a great decline of trust among the public (Edelman, 2017). Modern communication technology and social media give every entity a voice in the contemporary public communication arena. For organizations, the question is not “if” but “how” and “when” to best use various communication platforms to engage in dialogue with publics (Kent & Taylor, 2002).

We saw the dialogic approach emerge in a new theoretical shift in public relations research. However, much research to date has not yet clearly defined dialogue as a concept for examination, to analyze dialogue in multiple online or offline platforms, and to further develop the approach beyond the present state. The changing societal context in our time affects the practice of dialogue. One is led to ponder the role of dialogue in contemporary, digital society and its intended effects (or limits), principles, and pre-conditions (e.g., public trust and organization’s honesty and authenticity).

This proposed preconference invites discussions on topics including, but are not limited to: What is (constructive) dialogue in the organization-public context? What are the processes, principles, and conditions of dialogue in the East and the West? What are the strategies to develop dialogue with diverse voices? Why do we need to have dialogue when one party does not listen and does not encourage a participative decision making process? What is the role and impact of authenticity in dialogue? Can dialogue build trust in a divided society? Whether social media and communication technology undermine or facilitate dialogue and trust? Whether true dialogue can take place in an organizational setting where it is typically turned into an instrument for other organizational goals?

This full-day event will feature a keynote roundtable discussion with international scholars and papers from public relations scholars in China and around the world.

Papers on the preconference theme will be selected in a special issue in International Journal of Strategic Communication.

IV. Abstract Submissions

English submissions:
Deadline: All abstract submissions must be completed online no later than 1 December, 2017 (UTC time) at prsc_prad@qq.com. For inquiries, please contact: Vincent Huang (vincenthuanglei@gmail.com)
Authors should send a two-page Word document.
The first page should include the following information only:
1. Paper title.
2. Abstract (300 – 400 words in English).
3. Citations should be listed in a footnote. Citations containing author identity should be avoided.
On the second page, please include the following:
1. Paper title.
2. All author names, affiliations, and short bios (100 words in English maximum) listed in the order of authorship.
3. Corresponding author and email address.

V. Abstract Acceptance Announcements
Acceptance notification will be sent out on 15 December 2017.
Submitting an abstract commits at least one author of any accepted submission to register for the preconference, attend and present the research in person.

VI.  Paper Submissions

Full papers of accepted abstracts that the author(s) wishes to be considered for publication should be submitted by 30 April, 2018 at prsc_prad@qq.com. Paper submission details will be provided at a later date.


Deadline for abstract submission   1, December, 2017
Acceptance provided    15, December, 2017
Deadline for full paper and presentations 30, April, 2018
Preconference     24, May, 2018
Deadline for revised full papers  31 July, 2018

Registration Fee (including two tea breaks and one lunch)

Faculty participants: US$70.
Graduate students: US$35.

To register to this preconference, participants need to register online at the ICA conference registration website.


Public Relations Society of China
The pre-conference is sponsored by the Public Relations Society of China (PRSC). The PRSC was founded in August 2015. The first president of the PRSC is Professor Chen Xianhong from the School of Journalism and Communication at Huazhong University of Science and Technology. The PRSC aims to advance public relations theories and practices in China. As the only national-level academic organization in the field of public relations, the PRSC not only serves as a think tank that fosters dialogue and interactions among the academia, industry and society, but also provides an important platform for academic exchange between Chinese and international public relations scholars. “Open, Diversity, Inclusion and Dialogue” are the core values of the PRSC. Its mission is to build an academic community of public relations with research inspiration, international vision, and commitment to the public. The PRSC also strives for the discipline development and industrial advancement of public relations in China. In 2017, the PRSC was awarded as an excellent secondary national-level academic association.

The European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA)

EUPRERA is an autonomous not-for-profit organisation with nearly 500 members from 40 countries interested in advancing academic research and knowledge in public relations and strategic communication. Several cross-national and comparative research and education projects are organised by affiliated universities through the Association such as the largest transnational project of the public relations field, the European Communication Monitor (ECM) now in its 12th year. In order to spread new methodologies and research results, EUPRERA organises a highly regarded annual congress each autumn in collaboration with a selected university in Europe.  The congress each year publishes an edited book of selected papers from the conference and has a dedicated special Congress issue of the Journal of Communication Management.

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